In the same General tab you'll also find a section that allows for the customization of the removal of the browsing history. By default, this is set to the first of these three options.

Within this tab there is a pop-up menu that includes options to delete “After One Day, When Safari Quits”, “Upon Successful Download”, and “Manually”. Recent versions of Safari display the Downloads button only when there are items in the list, but it’s possible to arrange automated deletion by customizing the deletion time of these entries in the General section within Safari Preferences. In earlier versions of Safari, the Downloads button was always present, the items that had been downloaded were displayed in a list, and at the click of a button the list was cleared. If not, Finder allows for other options to arrange folders to locate a specific file, letting you search by name, file type, application, date created, date modified or tags – a highly useful addition. If you remember when the file was downloaded then it's handy to have a look at this default method of file organization.
How to Locate the Different Downloaded Files Of course, macOS allows you to sort the items by size, type, date added and more, but the aforementioned default organization method remains. After that the files are grouped together by the previous 30 days, before finally organizing them by month. The initial set of files displayed in the Downloads folder are the items downloaded on that date, then those files added in the previous seven days.

Unlike other folders, files in the Downloads folder are organized chronologically with the most recent downloads appearing first. How Files Are Organized in the Downloads Folder And if you don't keep an eye on that folder and clean it from time to time, it will quickly grow into a disk-space hog, perhaps even bigger than the Pictures folder where all photos are stored by default. That's the folder where all files downloaded onto a Mac made from the internet – whether via Safari, other web browsers, AirDrop, or sent through iMessages – will end up.
By default, most apps will use the Downloads folder to save download files.